unit 1: Back to school

An English School

This video is a presentation of Bradfield College, a British school in England. Let's learn a little bit more about this school. Read this text about the school:


Founded in 1850 by Thomas Stevens, and set in the village of Bradfield amidst unspoilt Berkshire countryside, Bradfield College enjoys a well-established reputation for being one of the country’s leading co-educational, independent schools through its provision of academic excellence and a well-rounded education.

The College welcomes pupils from Britain and overseas; the pupil body numbers approximately 770, comprising 480 boys and 290 girls from 13 to 18 years of age.

Boys and girls enter Bradfield at 13+ and many more join the College’s popular and vibrant Sixth Form, where they can choose to study either the IB or A Levels. Faulkner’s, a state-of-the-art boarding house, is specially designed to help all girls and boys make a happy and successful transition from prep school (we recruit from more than 70) to senior school; pupils then move into one of 11 senior houses.

We offer an unrivalled sports and activities programme for all our pupils which ensures that every girl and boy has the opportunity to develop valuable skills outside the classroom, wherever their interests lie.


Now check the video and try to compare Spanish schools with British schools. Are there many differences?

Present Simple

Listening: English Schools

Listen to this documentary about English schools and try to understand as much as possible. Then answer the questions.

And now listen to this boy talking about his school day.

Test Unit 1

El próximo 10 de octubre (2ºB) y 11 de octubre (2ºA) realizaremos la prueba de contenidos de la unidad 1. Aquí os dejo material para tod@s l@s que queráis preparar bien la prueba en casa.

Recuperación de contenidos: Present Simple

Recuperación de contenidos: Reading and Writing

Unit 2: Out and About!


Can you name these activities represented in the pictures? All of them are related to the topic of entertainment. Explain what you can do in any of them.

Places around town

These are different shops that we can find in a town. What can you buy or do in these shops?

Walking around

Do you remember how to give directions to people? Try to tell someone how to get to the station from the hospital.

Present Continuous

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Making suggestions

Check this video and try to find out structures to make suggestions in English.

Action Verbs

Corrección Tarea Unidad 2

Recuperación de contenidos: grammar

Recuperación de contenidos: Reading and Writing

Recuperación de contenidos: listening

Unit 3: Family Matters

My Family

Watch this video to learn how the family words are pronounced:

Here you are the family members in the British Royal family.

Past Simple

Let's watch this presentation about the past of the verb 'to be' to refresh our minds up.

Now, let's see a brief explanation of the Past Simple to learn how to use it.

Here you are the complete information about the past simple with exercises online.

Try to do these exercises to check if you have understood everything.

Irregular Verbs

Una forma original de aprenderte los verbos irregulares es crear tu propia canción. Mira algunos ejemplos. Otra forma es agruparlos según sus formas: algunos son todos iguales (put put put), otros sólo cambian una forma (come came come), otros cambian dos formas (pay paid paid) y finalmente los que todas las formas son dintintas (begin began begun). Eso te puede ayudar a memorizarlos si te acuerdas en qué grupo están.

There Was / There Were

Now try this exercise:

A comic strip

Life events

A biography: William Shakespeare

Watch this video about William Shakespeare and try to answer the following questions.

What did Shakespeare study?

When did he leave Stratford?

During The Plague, Shakespeare wrote poems. True or False?

Could women act in London theatres?

He wrote different kinds of plays. True or False?

How many plays did he write?

What did he do with the English language?

When did he die?

Now read his biography:

Here you are another example of a biography about Federico García Lorca, a famous writer from Andalucia.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?


1. Lorca only wrote poetry.

2. His mother wasn't very good at playing the piano.

3. His plays were about popular topics.

4. Lorca lived in Madrid for 20 years.

5. He died at home.

Preparar el examen de la unidad 3

Aquí os dejo material para que preparéis el examen de la unidad 3. Recordad que si tenéis alguna duda, todavía tenéis el lunes para preguntarme.

Refuerzo de vocabulario

Refuerzo de gramática

Refuerzo de reading

Refuerzo de writing

Refuerzo de listening

Listen to the video about the biography of Shakespeare and answer the questions.