Unit 1: Adventure Travel

Listening: Travelling to London

Watch the following documentary about London and try to get as much information as possible. Then answer the questions.

More Practice for unit 1

If you think you need to do more practice on the contents on unit 1, try to do these exercises.

Unit 2: To The Rescue

Natural Disasters

Listening: Tsunamis

Listen to this text and answer the questions.

1. What are the two main causes of tsunamis?

2. When was conclusive photographic evidence filmed for the first time?

3. How was the island of La Palma formed?

4. What will happen in this island according to experts?

5. Can experts predict when and where tsunamis will occur?

Reading: What to do in an emergency

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Tenses Exercises

More Practice for unit 2

Corrección del Workbook

Unit 3: A Robotic World

Extra writing

Writing for this week-end: How will robots change our lives?


First: The introduction of robots in our lives nowadays.

Second: Your ideas about the future development of robots (use your imagination).

Third: Your opinion (positive or negative?)

Robots to the rescue

Word Formation: Adjectives

Future tenses


Watch this video and answer the following questions.

1. What is Sophia interested on?

2. What does she have in her eyes?

3. What are her plans for the future?

4. What does Sophia's creator think that robots will do in the future?

An informal letter

Check the parts of an informal letter with this example.

Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of Degree

Unit 4: Relationships

Vocabulary: Relatioships


Can you answer these questions concerning relationships?

Listening: dna and matchmaking

Listen to this report about "Gene Partner" and say whether these sentences are true or false:


1. Staci Rosenberg has tried to get a couple in different websites.

2. Social compatibility is not important according to the Gene Partner representative.

3. The result of their test says that they are not compatible at all.

4. Ele Kaudener thinks that he would have preferred to know the result before the first meeting.

5. They will not continue getting to know each other.

Listening: toxic friends

Listen to this piece of an interview about Toxic Friends and answer these questions:


1. How do you recognise a toxic relationship?

2. Is it only applied to friends?

3. What happens with toxic friends at school?

4. Which is the appropriate environment to talk about these relationships?


Reading: gene partner

Modal verbs

Perfect Modals

Watch this video to learn about perfect modals in English.

Reported Speech

Mejorar tus redacciones: conectores

Extra Listenings

Las respuestas correctas a los tres listenings están en la sección de contacto.

Soluciones Workbook Unit 7